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About Me

Hallo! I'm Cassandra Mak (or Cass to most humans). I currently live in Singapore, which is where I was born.

I am curious about many things that have to do with what it means to be human, and I try to help people find curiosity in exploring themselves and understanding their human experience with compassion. 

Professionally, I am a movement therapist, trainer and bodyworker; working with people to find greater ease, confidence and understanding of themselves and their bodies through movement exploration, training and meaningful touch (hands-on therapy). 

I have spent a lot of life trying many sports and movement practices (some to a competitive level) and seeking to help myself and peers with our injuries and how to train better.


My interests have brought me to do that professionally and I do enjoy it very much. I love figuring out what works through empirical experimentation and being informed by science-based evidence, while remembering that all this is human first.

My philosophy on training and rehab are that enjoyment, sustainability, appreciation for our bodies, a sense of progress and meaning and simplicity are important, and this is what I try to bring into my sessions. 

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