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How My Clients Have 0 Excuses To Skip Their "Homework"

Estimated Read Time: 2 - 3 mins

Original Post: Here.

How I make sure my clients have 0 (almost) excuses to skip their “homework”.

1. Make sure they enjoy the activity. If they have something else fun in mind that fits their goals and gets them moving, I go with that. Else I create fun activities for them and change it up when it gets boring.

2. Make the barrier of entry low. (Will you do this with very little willpower? If we put it at this time of day in your schedule that is super convenient, will you do it?) 3. Email them the activities so they can’t forget or send them videos, or send them to one of my playlists on my YouTube Channel.

4. Explain the importance of consistency and the power they have over their health. My one or two hours a week with you isn’t going to create the long lasting adaptations you’re looking for. What you do in the rest of your time will. I can guide, help and keep you accountable, but I very unfortunately cannot do the active work for you, which is where long-term change happens. I can’t strengthen your body for you and I can’t help you actively move into ranges of movement consistently. Only you can do that. If I could do that, I would have control over your brain and nervous system, and I probably wouldn’t be a therapist if I could do that.

Hope this gives you ideas on planning a sustainable training program for yourself. Happy happy. 🖖 FYI: the cues in the picture don’t work for everyone, I type what works best for whoever I’m sending it to.

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