Honing Your Awareness Part 1: What is Awareness?
In this series I will be talking about what it means to have awareness and be helping you with practical ways to hone it. What does it...
Impatience, a state of wanting to get to the next moment in time/stage immediately or as soon as possible. Recently, a friend of mine...
Upside-downess and Fear
Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes Original Post: Here. Being upside down scares me. After doing a bunch of kicking up to the wall and...
Joints: How Do We Keep Them Healthy?
Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes Original Post: Here. We’re often told to save our joints. Not to use them for they will succumb to “wear...
The Problem-Solving Nature of Our Bodies
Estimated Read Time: 2 - 3 mins Original Post: Here. Remember when you first tried to draw a straight line? The line probably looked less...